Thursday, February 4, 2010

An example of 1:1 relation of text:music

Thanks to John Sakkis for pointing readers to this project from Demosthenes Agrafiotis and Michail Palaiologou. Apparently Morse Code served as part of the basis and compositional method. Would like to know more, but certainly seems to avoid any of the pedantry you might expect from close coupling of a semantically arbitrary aspect of language like alphabetic characters to musical values. Equally impressive that so much drama comes from a score that seems, on first listen anyways, to rely exclusively on one note, in octaves, between two strings.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wat a cool idea. morse code is a little clumsy but I appreciate the gesture. have you seen/heard this (start watching ~10 min in...)

...will be on my recital.